Traditional Dishes

cannabis dolma
This version of dolma is made exclusively from local products. And it is a vegetarian version, made without meat. First, roasted hemp seeds are ground and then the oil is squeezed from it. Spices are added to the groats and the mixture is wrapped in sour cabbage leaves. It is cooked in a pot and the hemp oil is added later. It is served with wine or tan.

Royal Yogurt Soup (tanapur)
First, we make yogurt with matsun and cooked groat. Then we fry ground meat in stewed onion and wrap it in dough. The wrapped dough balls are cooked and added to the matsun. The dish is served with butter.

Msho Gata
Soft dough is made from local flour and churned butter. It is baked in a traditional tonir oven, in a cast-iron pan. It is served in small pieces with mint tea.

Phoor is made outside from local potatoes. The potatoes are buried underground and are cooked by a fire placed directly over them. Phoor is served outdoors, with everyone sitting around the fire, and is served with butter and sour cabbage or cucumber. It is usually shared with a group of friends or family to give thanks for the potato crop.

Chortan Soup
Chortan is made of natural dairy products. Balls are formed and dried in the sun. To make the soup, first we cook harisa from white groat. Then we add ground garlic into the liquid made of the mashed chortan. When serving harisa we add some chortan and some melted butter with red pepper.

Traditional Arishta
First, we cook the arishta (long noodles). Then we cook the ground mutton and put it over the arishta. We serve it with stewed onion, butter, and cream with garlic and mint.

Flour is roasted in a pan, some flax-seed oil or butter is added to it and it is mashed. We add some sugar to it and continue mashing. While halva is still hot, we put it in a tray and let it cool. After it has cooled, it is served in small pieces with mint tea.

Dairy Products
In this region, at least 15 types of dairy products are made: Sour cream, butter, matsun, chortan, yogurt soup (tanapur) and 5 different types of cheeses.

Msho Dolma
This dish is made of young bull’s meat, sour fruit and vegetables and all are native products of the region. Unlike traditional dolma, instead of grinding, the meat is sliced. When putting the wrapped dolma in rows to cook, we also put sour plums and sliced apples in the pot. It is served with squeezed matsun and lavash.

This regional traditional dish is made of local beets. The beet is boiled then cooked in butter and finally eggs are added on top of the beets. It is served with matsun seasoned with some garlic.

Panrahats (Cheesy Bread)
First, some dough is made with butter and water. It is formed into small balls which are opened and flattened into sheets and boiled in water. Then the sheets are dried. Some butter is put in a pan and half of the prepared sheets are put in the pan. A layer of boiled butter is added along with a mixture of cheese and egg. Then a top sheet is added and the pan is put in the oven. The dish is served hot.